March 26, 2015

Goodbye. Feels.

Another day passes by like this
My whole day was spent for you
I wore the clothes that you liked the best
I should look beautiful in the mirror
But I just look miserable
The tactless night sky is so beautiful
I wish you could be me
I wish I could be you
I wish you could feel it for just a day
Your heart
My heart
I wish I could love you
I wish you would love me
I wish we could be together just for a day
So I can let you go without regrets
I want to throw away everything in front of me
I want to scream out loud but
The only one to listen would be me
Along with the burning candle
There’s not much left to my heart
This beautiful house feels like prison
The tactless night sky is so beautiful

Sometimes, I want to push everything back and go out like you
I want to wash down my pain with alcohol, my sadness with laughter
But I don’t
MUA. there is lot of words that I wanted to tell you.

But I dont have any courage, to face you.

I keep thinking that you and I were from the different space. but you know the reality,  we were stood in the same ground, same age, same era, same everything. You know, the world never lied.
Its you the one, who hiding and didn't want to face the truth. its you the one who affraid, to make it true.

You are fool.

Im the dumbest. Big Fool.
To keep waiting. You know I was unpatient one.

You Know how happy I was, when you said, you dont want to go without me?
How Happy and worried I was knowing you called me because you had some accident?
You know how happy I was when you ask me to go out with you, just two of us. without anyone around?
Just our time together. But why I feel like it was a dream, midsummer daydream?
You know how dissapointed I was when you cant pick me up?
We were live in same building. with different floor. but still happy when you told me everything.

 If they see at us. They never know how different we were.
You and your circle. Me and my circle. thats the differs.
I cant live on Your world. and You cant live on mine.
Its Completely Different. even you and I taking a breath  from same Oxygen.
But its like we weren't meant to be together. It so sad.

Good Bye MUA. Lets be A BESTFRIEND. :')

July 31, 2014

Kamu Harusnya Tahu, hei Keheningan.

Ada yang berbeda disini.
Di puncak gedung berlantai tujuh ini.
Semilirnya raga membawa duka.
Bertumpah ruah di pucuk jingga.

I knew you were trouble when you walked in
So shame on me now
Flew me to places I'd never been
'Til you put me down, oh
I knew you were trouble when you walked in (you were right there, you were right there)
So shame on me now
Flew me to places I'd never been
Now I'm lying on the cold hard ground

I think--I think when it's all over,
It just comes back in flashes, you know?
It's like a kaleidoscope of memories.
It just all comes back. But he never does.
I think part of me knew the second I saw him that this would happen.
It's not really anything he said or anything he did,
It was the feeling that came along with it.
And the crazy thing is I don't know if I'm ever gonna feel that way again.
But I don't know if I should.
I knew his world moved too fast and burned too bright.
But I just thought, how can the devil be pulling you toward someone who looks so much like an angel when he smiles at you?
Maybe he knew that when he saw me.
I guess I just lost my balance.
I think that the worst part of it all wasn't losing him.
It was losing me.


Akulah si Bodoh dan Kamulah Fatamorgana

Hai, Cir.. :)

Sebelum aku menulis ini, tolong ijinkan aku tertawa terlebih dahulu.
Menertawakan Diriku.
Ya  menertawakan kebodohanku karena pernah jatuh mengagumi dirimu..

Ya, Pernah dengan bodohnya menunggu kamu dengan sabar di kafe pinggiran jalan itu.
Padahal bila aku menyadarinya lagi, meski aku ada disana. Olehmu, aku tak terlihat.

Aku pernah dengan sabar melihatmu, yang dengan tangkasnya membuatkan aku segelas Cappucinno Instan.
dan Bodohnya aku berharap, dan berimajinasi hanya kita berdua disitu.

Aku yang dengan Bodohnya, memandangmu sebagai orang yang patut aku kagumi.

Aku yang pernah dengan bodohnya, tersenyum sendiri mengingat kamu menyapaku dengan senyuman itu.

Aku yang pernah dengan bodohnya, tidak bisa memejamkan mataku setelah berbicara denganmu,

Aku yang dengan bodohnya melukismu di sebuah kertas,

Aku yang pernah dengan bodohnya mengukir namamu di abu dasar asbakku.

Aku yang dengan bodohnya berbahagia menghabiskan malam berdua di Kafe mu.



Heh, Aku marah sekarang Cir, dan marahku bukan marah yang tak beralasan.

Aku marah, karena kamu merendahkanku didepan mereka. Padahal aku memujamu.
Orang-orang yang kamu anggap teman, tapi aku malah melihat mereka seperti setan-setan kecil yang menggerogotimu.

Apakah Salah?
Salah bila aku mengagumi, dan bahkan berkembang menjadi cinta.

Oke, Aku bukan orang yang gigih untuk mempertahankan perasaanku.

Aku Manusia dengan Harga Diri yang terlalu tinggi untuk kamu rendahkan.

Aku merasa tidak memiliki muka lagi untuk berhadapan denganmu.
Aku merasa, tidak ada harganya lagi jika harus dihadapkan denganmu.

Kamu yang memulai semua ini, kamu yang membuatku luluh. Dan dengan bodohnya mulai mengikuti setiap langkahmu. Seperti Bayangan.
Andai, kamu tidak pernah hadir di hidupku, aku takkan jadi seperti ini terhadapmu.
Andai, mereka, Setan-setan yang mengelilingimu itu, tidak ada..

Kamu yang namamu memiliki arti Penguasa Keadilan. Haha,,
Aku ingin menertawakan ini, arti namamu seperti itu, tapi kamu tak memiliki keadilan sedikitpun terhadapku.

Kamu malah memuja wanita lain yang sama sekali tak melihatmu. ?

I thought, how can the devil be pulling you toward someone who looks so much like an angel when he smiles at you?

Aku memang tak seperti wanita. Aku orang gila. Yang sebab kegilaanku adalah kamu. 

Haruskah, aku pergi dulu agar kamu menyadari perasaanku? 
Haruskah, aku menyadarkan kamu dulu agar kamu melihatku. bukan dia?
Dia, ya Wanita dengan #D..

Well, aku sadar, aku mungkin tidak sebanding dengan dia yang inisialnya selalu kamu masukkan dalam setiap tweetmu.

Dan akhirnya aku sadar, Akulah si Bodoh. dan Kamulah Fatamorgana. 

Aku harus bagaimana lagi Cir???


